Ok, so today I came to school in time and everything only to realize I don’t have class until after lunch… YEY! Or not.
And I’ve got sick again :C So, thinking back I could have stayed at home sleeping away the feever and it wouldn’t have mattered. And also, I just heard that a girl in the grade under me apparently got to study graphic design as her individual subject. I love how classes’ comes out AFTER you’ve already choose.
But, now’s not the time to be bitter! The school year has just started (not depressing at all, hu?) and I don’t have time to wine about small matters. One year and then I’m finished with this school! After that I can do anything I want mahaha!
I’ve decided to upload at least one picture a day, and today you get a picture of me. I blurred my face because it went all herp derp on me. I should've blurred my hand as well... hm.
Thank you and goodbye.

But, now’s not the time to be bitter! The school year has just started (not depressing at all, hu?) and I don’t have time to wine about small matters. One year and then I’m finished with this school! After that I can do anything I want mahaha!
I’ve decided to upload at least one picture a day, and today you get a picture of me. I blurred my face because it went all herp derp on me. I should've blurred my hand as well... hm.
Thank you and goodbye.

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